Posted by Psyko Niko on 09/08/05 17:29
I tried to download some music today ( for that matters, a song by Green
Day ), and I really think some of you could be interested by that.
First step, the search.
As for any commercial song, I got a lot of hits. Many were obvious fakes,
like the same user sharing a dozen copies of the same song ... so I filtered
the search with "-my"
I finally got a hit with a 56K user with no queue, and started to DL.
Next step is the new thing ( at least new to me ).
I listened to the first bits, was a good file and all.
Point is, the AFS was set to 10m ( default setting for me ), and some after
the start of the DL, WinMX found a dozen of sources, all of them withy no
queue and high speed ...
Before I could even react, some of the DL started, others got a files
mismatch ( with both 002 and 004 errors ) ...
And the file got corrupted, couldn't listen to the part I downloaded from
this point, and couldn't resume the DL from the good source even after
trimming 10K up to almost nothing.
Any comment or explanation bout this new kind of pollution ?
Or have I missed the news because of the holydays ?
Psyko Niko
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