Posted by Dave D on 12/30/05 23:19
"name" <dohduhdah@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Dave D wrote:
>> "Sarge" <not@home.com> wrote in message
>> news:6JZsf.6739$oW.486@newssvr11.news.prodigy.com...
>> > "Dave D" <dave_d@dave_d.com> wrote in
>> > news:doGdnScszpFHyizenZ2dnUVZ8t2dnZ2d@pipex.net:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> A levy on P2P use is the only fair solution AFAICS. An internet tax is
>> >> too general.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Dave,
>> >
>> > You have all valid, intelligent points backup up with great examples
>> > and
>> > analogies. I agree that a P2P tax is a fair solution. But how is it
>> > possible for an ISP to prevent the non-P2P accounts from file sharing?
>> >
>> > You said something about blocking/allowing certain ports, etc. Can't
>> > P2P
>> > applications and file sharing communities use whatever port(s) they
>> > want?
>> >
>> Good point.
>> There's currently no perfect way for an ISP to easily assess whether a
>> subscriber is using P2P or not. However, there are ways to do it, and
>> ISPs
>> have managed in the past. They look for activity outside the usual ports,
>> ie
>> port 80, news and mail ports etc, and monitor upload patterns. Heavy or
>> persistant uploading can be investigated, and action taken if necessary.
> You talk about p2p sharing as if p2p sharing amounts to copyright
> infringement.
I said heavy upload patterns could be 'investigated', IOW the data could be
analysed for copyright infringement. Also, if you care to read the text I
was replying to you'd see that I was answering a question about how an ISP
can detect P2P usage on a non P2P tariff. Copyright infringement was
irrelevent to the point.
>It does not.
For about 90-odd percent of users, I bet it does. Do you dispute this?
>Just because many people use p2p programs to
> infringe copyrights, that doesn't mean that anyone using p2p programs
> is necessarily infringing copyrights.
You are digressing again here, my post was not about whether or not all P2P
is copyright infringing. Once again, it's about how ISPs detect whether a
client is using P2P on a non-P2P tariff.
If we must get back to this subject- The question is, is that legal group a
significant number? You're the one who thought taxing *all* internet users
was the way to go, now if even a small number people are unfairly taxed for
using a medium widely associated with piracy you're up in arms about it! I
can't work out where you are on this.
> An ISP should be concerned with copyright infringement and not p2p
> sharing.
Say what you want, the *vast* majority of P2P is copyright infringing. Take
away the illegal use and few people would bother with P2P.
>> All that is needed is legislation to be put in place to enforce stiff
>> penalties for 'dishonest' users who try and get away with P2P use on the
>> cheaper tariff, and intelligent monitoring of usage patterns. I think the
>> vast majority of P2P'ers will opt to do it legally *provided* the higher
>> tariff is fair and not extortionate. There will be a few 'hardcore' types
>> who try their luck and fiddle the system, but they should be easy to
>> spot.
>> It might sound an impossible task to spot P2P users, but ask any ISP
>> network
>> techie and they'll tell you P2P usage patterns stand out from 'normal'
>> web
>> use. Intelligent, automated systems could make it easier- they could flag
>> heavy/distinct usage patterns for further human investigation.
>> Dave
> P2p sharing is not the issue. Copyright infringement is. Copyright
> infringement is not
> limited to p2p sharing and p2p sharing does not amount to copyright
> infringement.
In the real world, to all intents and purposes it does. I seriously doubt
legal P2P use is a significant part.
> There should be a levy imposed on copyright infringement and not on p2p
> sharing,
> blank media or internet use in general.
Wow, talk about flip-flopping! Taxing general internet use was *your* idea,
As you pointed out, it's not possible to only hit copyright infringers
without affecting any legitimate users, but hitting the most popular
distribution system, P2P, is the next best thing IMO.
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