Posted by anthonyberet on 09/20/05 09:01
philip1920@yahoo.ca wrote:
> I'm curious about this. Whoever these P2P groups are I'd like to know.
> Does anyone have a list?
> How can the originators of these group stop other than shutting
> themselves down? Can they institute any kind of slow down otherwise?
> Can they actually interfere with the users of these groups.
> Any thoughts on this?
I am not sure wht you mean - are you talking about Usenet groups?
- In that case, no, the creators can't stop trading or shut the groups down.
If you mean P2P systems, ther outcome of the recent Australian court
case involving KaZaa was that the owners could indeed filter the
searchable content. - However, this is becuase KaZaa have developed a
complex searching routine, which allows for paid downloads too.
Many P2P networks are deliberately designed to make central control
impossible - Winmx can't do this, for example, without a new version
being put out to make it possible.
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