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Re: ripping CDs (which format to use?)

Posted by Joel on 09/27/05 18:29 wrote:

>OK, I want to take my music CDs that I have purchased over the years
>and put them on my computer's hard drive, so that I can burn CDs of
>mixed songs -- one song from this CD, 2 songs from that CD, etc.

NRen2k5's advice is good, but I just wanted to add that if you don't
need to keep the files on your hard drive long term, there's no need
to rip to MP3 or any compressed format. You can just rip the WAVs of
the songs you want, and then burn a full quality audio CD mix of them,
and then delete them. However, if you do want to keep them on your
hard drive long term, variable bit rate MP3 is pretty much as good as
it gets, particularly since the best encoder is free and open source,

Joel Crump

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should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to
undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.'"
- Judge Denny Chin, referring to Fox News accusing Al Franken of
trademark infringement.



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