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Re: Dividing an album into individual tracks

Posted by audiohead on 10/17/04 11:28

dadiOH wrote:>

> Actually, they pretty much are (equal).

(Grammar / syntax) they are or they're

Actually they're not. Have you compared editors from Magix or Cakewalk
to editors made by Nero? If you had you'd know that there is no


> Could you possibly mean "generic name" rather than "trade name"?

Actually, they're (correct grammar) equivalent in this context. Commom
trade names are also considered generic, and nonproprietary.


> Do they (you) know that the Nero Wave Editor edits - surprise - waves,
> not MP3s?

Obviously, you've never used Nero. The Nero "Wave" Editor supports and
[SURPRISE] edits .mp3, .mp4, .m4a, aac, .aif, .aiff, .ogg,. .wav, and


Перев середине оспариваемый никогда
не прекращают поражать.

Translation: The remedially challenged never cease to amaze.



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