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Re: Dividing an album into individual tracks

Posted by dadiOH on 10/07/05 01:06

audiohead wrote:
> dadiOH wrote:
>> audiohead wrote:
>> Which formats (other than wav) it dutifully decodes to wave. Get it?
>> <aside: not likely>
> No..edits, not decodes.

<aside: I told y'all it wasn't likely he would get it>

Hard to believe but you are even dumber than you seemed when you first
showed up as a spammer trying to peddle your "method"...the one that is
common knowledge. Given your level of intelligence I'll try to explain
simply. It is OK to move your lips - even squint - as you read...

1. Wave editors edit waves

2. To edit a compressed music format such as MP3 they decode the MP3 to
wave. Just as is done when a compressed file is "played"

3. The user (that's you) then edits the wave

4. When the user (that's you) decides he or she ("it" in your case,
maricon) is finished he tells the wave editor to save his work.

5. If the user (that's you) hasn't told the wave program otherwise it
will normally save in the original format; if that was a compressed
format such as MP3 the wave editor re-encodes the wave to MP3.

The decoding/re-encoding is generally done transparently. That means
the user (that's you) is unaware of it. It is done transparently so
that casual users or a mentally challenged user (that's you) don't have
to understand or learn anything.


dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at



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