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Import Ratings into Winamp?

Posted by Ray on 10/11/05 13:18

Hi -- I'm using Winamp 5.08e. I like the "Rate Items" option, but I
have a lot of songs and am wondering if there is a way to speed up the
process. Here are some possibilities that I would probably use, if
they can be done:

1. One-key rating. Example: while the song is playing, hit the 1 key
for one star, etc.

2. Duration rating. If I kill the song after listening to the first
10 seconds of it, that's a vote against it.

3. Multiple criteria rating. Instead of a scale of 1 to 5, I'd like
to be able to add or subtract points. Examples: I don't want to
automatically reject all songs by Michael Jackson, but I would like to
subtract two demerits from them all at once, so that they're a little
less likely to be called in a random shuffle. Songs lose one demerit
per year of age, so I'm hearing the new stuff most frequently. Add one
point to all songs on my Classical Music list. Etc.

4. Import ratings. Let's say I am able to export a spreadsheet or
text listing of all my songs. I reduce the list to a bunch that I
would like to put into a playlist. Having favored these songs, I want
to rate them with 5 stars. I add the stars to the spreadsheet and
import it into Winamp.

Thanks for any suggestions on how I can approximate these possibilities.



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