Posted by urslow on 10/15/41 11:29
Thanks, I thought that what it was, so I tried some tag editors, but I must
be doing something wrong, because I can't get the info to change. I'll keep
at it. Thanks for your help.
"Wayne R." <wruffner@KomKast.net> wrote in message
> The 'information' fields are called tags. These can be easily changed.
> You can Google for freeware tag editors, and you can (I find it a
> pain) do it directly within XP.
> There are lots of tag editors. No big deal.
> On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 04:56:01 -0700, "urslow" <urslow@comcast.net>
> wrote (with clarity & insight):
>>I hope I can explain this so it's easily understood. I have several mp3's,
>>and the information on them is not the same i.e.. there are some with
>>first, title second, or some wit numbers then artist then title etc. I
>>you get an idea of what I'm saying. What I'd like to know is there a way
>>clean these up? I don't really care about anything other than the title
>>artist. Can you just change this info by highlighting the name and making
>>the changes, or do you need software to do this? If I need software can
>>recommend something?
>>Thanks for your time
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