Posted by <normanstrong on 10/06/08 11:27
> The real clue to Blu-Ray's possible edge is this though:
> "Blu-ray will come as standard on the PlayStation 3 which is expected to
> lead
> to market (Sony apparently swallows an extra $100 per machine to
> incorporate it)."
What is this $100 figure? Is it an additional $100 factory cost, or that
they would have charged the customer $100 more for the PS3 in the normal
course of events. Certainly the PS3 would have some sort of DVD player in
it. Is Sony saying that it will cost $100 more to provide Blu-Ray than it
would have if they'd used an ordinary DVD player? If so, this doesn't augur
well for the competitiveness of Blu-Ray.
If the $100 is the factory cost differential between Blu-Ray and ordinary
DVD, a number that comes right out of Sony's profit margin, I don't see how
it can be a success in the marketplace.
Norm Strong
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