Posted by Default_User on 09/25/05 05:43
"Black Locust" <bl2112@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> In article <YPgZe.6372$X6.4479@fe05.lga>,
> "Default_User" <default@msdos.sys> wrote:
> By all
> accounts, Gore should have been running the country for the last 5
> years.
What, and then we would not have had someone to write the script for that
dumbass ridiculous movie: The Day After Tomorrow?
My God, can you just imagine how fucked up country this would have been with
Gore in the White House responding to the September 11, 2001 attacks?
This country is doing great in the states that voted Republican in the last
election. The economy is doing great here in my state, thank you very much.
It is the left coast and the eastern labor union states that always vote
Democrat just because their union bosses tell them to and their parents and
their grandparents swallowed the socialist lies of Roosevelt and feel
obligated to continue to support such hogwash.
I am thankful that the country twice elected such a great, honorable man as
George W. Bush to be our President. I support this fine man 100%. 1 million
times better than that A$$hole sex pervert that putrefied the honor of the
Oval Office. It turns my stomach to know that the same office held by the
greatest American President, Ronald Reagan, was dishonored by someone wo
swore an oath on the Holy Bible to uphold the dignity of the office.
President Bush called upon the brave servicemen of this country to fight the
war on the enemy's turf. Gore would have said, can't we get together and
have a world conference to talk about our differences and work things out...
oh and how can we stop the global warming at the same time? And why are you
still driving SUV's?
I would rather have a president that has the balls to say "Don't fuck with
the U.S.A."
Gore had no balls. Democrats have no balls. Never will. Thus you have no
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