Posted by Michelle Steiner on 10/17/18 11:36
In article <>,
Giles <> wrote:
> But irony? Inadvertent irony relies on the spectator's knowledge of
> the situation and recognition of the self-deluded or tragic error of
> the actor's statement/action. Advertent irony relies on the
> spectator/reader's knowledge of the context and the apparent
> knowledge of the actor/writer to discern that a statement that
> literally reads one way has a putative alternative meaning that to
> some degree runs against or transforms the literal meaning.
> Neither can survive being made obviously literal, IMHO.
Hence the advertent irony of your irony markers. I was merely
suggesting an alternative marker, and expanding to show other things
that could also be marked in a similar manner.
Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.
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