Posted by NRen2k5 on 01/07/06 13:45
Michelle Steiner wrote:
> In article <FRpvf.806$vN4.623122@wagner.videotron.net>, NRen2k5
> <napsterneorenegade@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> People ignore others like that not because it's "not worth their
>> while" but because it's so damaging to their self esteem to be
>> unable to back themselves up.
> I bet that you're really so conceited that you actually believe that.
Conceited? Hardly. Unless someone is a spammer or harassing you, you
really have no reason to ignore/killfile him/her/it. ("It" added as an
afterthought because there can be automated spammers, after all.)
>>> the intelligent person will ask why you persist in violating
>>> standards, and why you don't use a newsreader that adheres to the
>>> standards.
>> That's not the intelligent person.
> I bet that you're really so conceited that you actually believe that.
I bet that you're so narrow-sighted and self-righteous that not for even
one second do you believe it.
>> No, it takes practically zero effort to read.
> As you have so ably demonstrated. It does take effort to read for
> comprehension, as you have also demonstrated by your lack of effort.
Don't mistake total comprehension for a lack of any.
- NRen2k5
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