Posted by omarenoryt on 09/25/05 23:06
Black Locust wrote:
> In article <YPgZe.6372$X6.4479@fe05.lga>,
> "Default_User" <default@msdos.sys> wrote:
> > Sorry to burst your bubble, but I checked again and despite the best efforts
> > (never good enough) of the liberal revisionists that abound in this country,
> > President Bush won the Electoral College twice. Guess you were just
> > mistaken.
> He won re-election, yes. No disputing that. But I've yet to see one bit
> of irrefutable evidence proving Bush won the 2000 elections.
Poor defeated leftists. So convinced of their superiority yet so badly
outmaneuvered again and again and again and again. Will you ever learn
anything, you fucking idiot?
By all
> accounts, Gore should have been running the country for the last 5
> years. The only people who genuinely believe Bush won the first election
> are the naive, sheep-like Americans(most of which whom reside in the
> south) who've been brainwished into believing this border-line retarded,
> illiterate, monkeyface, warmongering Texas hick is some sort of demi-god
> who never lies and has never done a single thing wrong during his
> Presidential run.. *cough* That's you "Default User." Oh, and Dick
> Cheney still looks like the spawn of Satan.
> BTW, you should consider changing your alias to "Default_Republican."
> Seems far more appropriate if you ask me..
> http://presidentevilonline.com/bushbug.html
> --
> "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
> They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
> and neither do we." - George Dumbya Bush
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