Posted by fred-bloggs on 01/10/06 10:58
gregf@kcls.org wrote in news:1136835808.297749.277680
> I've got an mp3 file that I want to make smaller, but can't seem to do
> it. it's about 10,000kb. 32-bit, 44100hz, stereo, and about 5 minutes
> long. I have another file with the same exact specs and it's half the
> size. I'm using a program called Audacity and can't seem to do anything
> to it that will reduce the size. Can this program resample it, maybe at
> 16-bit, or is there another program that can do this? I can't figure
> out the difference between the 2 files; is there a paramater I'm
> missing somewhere?
Yes, your forgetting the bit rate.
Your mp3 curently has a bit-rate of 256 kbps.
In Audacity preferences - file formats
set a bit rate of 128 kbps for mp3 export.
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