Posted by Hammerer on 01/12/06 15:42
<mariagrimm0023@hotmail.com> spammed in message
> ok- i'm a student at the university of illinois
> and one of my friends told me about this....
Maria. You're going about all this the wrong way. What you should do is
offer some kind of personal service to anyone who takes you up on your
offer. A handjob, for instance, though don't let me cramp your style, or
anything. Use your imagination. You agree to meet up somewhere; you get the
mark to click the link (remember to bring your laptop); give him "one off
the wrist"; wipe off; then move on to the next mark.
If you are, by any chance, NOT called Maria, but Bill, or Fred, and are
physically not on the best of terms with the "Greek God" ideal (or the
double of 'Comic Book Guy'), then try hiding behind a bush while all the
"business" is being carried out.
To be honest, it'd be easier to download stuff from the free networks. But,
if it's "free" tugs all round, who gives a fuck? Go for it, Bill. Sorry -
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