Posted by Wes Groleau on 10/16/90 11:37
fred-bloggs wrote:
> -s refers to the source sampling frequency,
> -resample sets the *output* sampling frequency.
> -a downmixes stereo to mono.
> So try
> -b 32 -a --resample 11.025 --highpass 5
> (the highpass frequency should always be less than half the sampling
> frequency or you will get aliasing noise)
Ah, thanks. I didn't see resample in the LOONG man page.
But it did allege that --comp N would cause it to pick
reasonable parameters to achieve the requested ratio.
Apparently not.
I will give those numbers a try.
I thought that in MP3 the output bit rate was not
directly tied to the size because some kinds of sounds
could be compressed more than others.
Wes Groleau
There are some ideas so wrong that only a
very intelligent person could believe in them.
-- George Orwell
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