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Despotic music biz threatens to terrorize internet providers

Posted by GasTheRIAA on 01/31/06 08:59

The once vulgarly rich plastic fantastic music industry still doesn't
give up, even after everyone else has given up on them.

Actually, the greatest failure of the IFPI and indeed the RIAA's Cary
Sherman is its intolerance of the P2P community. Rather than open a
dialog with its consumer base, it refers to them as "obstacles" and
"thieves", which represents the great core of their problems. The
IFPI and RIAA are in a struggle to win the hearts and minds of the P2P
population, as the IFPI readily admits its is failing to achieve. The
answer to this problem boils down to respect. If the IFPI can't
respect the needs and wishes of the P2P community, it can't possibly
expect the P2P community to respect theirs.



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