Posted by Guest on 09/27/05 22:20
Always listen those who have one. You may not get true HD(get a D-VHS for
that), but you get the best DVD you can right now. There is a difference.
Even some people who don't know one technology from another saw it. The
Panasonic is the champ.
"Andrew Rossmann" <andysnewsreply@no_junk.comcast.net> wrote in message
> In article <43397e74.281013947@news.west.cox.net>,
> Aaron@post.replies.please says...
>> After getting a HDTV with HDMI input, I want an upconverting DVD
>> player. I looked at my local stores and they have the following
>> available:
>> - Samsung HD-850 (*) and HD-851 - $130-$140
>> - Toshiba SD-4980, SD-5980 (*), and SD-V593 (*) - $125-$150
>> - Panasonic S77 (*) - $200-$225
>> - LG Electronics (model # ???) - $150
>> - Mitsubishi (model # ???) - $220 ?
> Carefully read this review of several models, first. You may want to
> wait for BluRay/HD-DVD instead:
> http://www.soundandvisionmag.com/article.asp?section_id=3&article_id=870
> --
> If there is a no_junk in my address, please REMOVE it before replying!
> All junk mail senders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the
> law!!
> http://home.att.net/~andyross
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