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Re: Question: dvd recorder with hard drive

Posted by Tumbleweed on 11/29/05 23:21

"Tumbleweed" <> wrote in message
> "Major ChrisB" <> wrote in message
> news:ZSOif.12$
>> Hello,
>> can anyone recomend a dvd recorder with a hard drive. Preferably with
>> the ability to playback divx/xvid but that records to dvd format.
>> thinking of getting one for my dad for Christmas. My brother wanted an
>> Ipod nano but they're twice the price I thoguht they were and only
>> 2Gigs....why so expensive when a 30gig ipod is only about 50 more?
> Because they are based on flash memory which is more expensive (at the
> moment) per Meg than disk based memory. But also bulkier & heavier (when
> including all the electronics and moving parts), more fragile, and use
> more power. You pays your money and you takes your choice...

Of course I meant that disk memory was bulkier etc etc than flash but my
crap keyboard mangled my words up so it didnt come out looking like that...


email replies not necessary but to contact use;
tumbleweednews at hotmail dot com



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