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Re: New "Fly" 2 DVD Edition

Posted by shinner on 10/03/96 11:28

"TB" <> wrote in

> I haven't gone off on a rant about any dvds I've picked up in a while
> but after watching the new 2 disc dvd of "The Fly" by Cronnenberg the
> last couple of days, I had to break that streak.
> Anyone familiar and a fan of this movie is in for a big revelation
> when they see this special edition dvd. It has some really cool
> deleted scenes including the unused ending where Geen Davis character
> dreams their unborn son "hatches" as a human butterfly. Plus a really
> gory, long scene in which a baboon and a cat are merged together and
> wind up attacking Goldblum's character who kills it with a pipe. Also
> cool from a geek standpoint is the segment showing all the different
> maquettes and props for mostly unused designs for the various stages
> of the "fly." I haven't got around to listening to Cronnenberg's
> complete commentary track yet, but judging from the few minutes I did
> listen to when I first watched the movie, it's David's usual,
> informative yet dry commentary.
> Well worth the $12 or so this dvd can be had for.

That was a rant? Sounded more like a rave....



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