Posted by Gene E. Bloch on 10/02/27 11:34
On 12/11/2005, Paul Heslop managed to type:
> This country stopped being anything like people imagine (If it ever
> was that place) many moons ago. Private Eye has it that new laws are
> being brought in to stop people objecting to the placement of nuclear
> facilities, just as it is announced that we're likely to get a whole
> bunch of nice shiny new ones. We allow more and more oppression every
Shiny? or glowing?
> week it seems. But then, hey, we don't have a fucking warmongering
> monkey as a leader, just his bum chum.
Couldn't resist...
Whose first job after the US Navy was with a nuclear power company.
Gene E. Bloch (Gino)
(replace the numbers by "at" and "dotcom")
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