Posted by The Loud Voice on 11/16/05 21:01
Why? Editing should not be an activity that is confined only to those who
speaks the English language.
"nappY Si" <nlei987@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> The person 'Donald Link' had this
> to say about a post I made:
> "What an idiotic statement.
> Using Word would probably tax
> your mental ability also. Making
> blanket statement without explaining
> why is probably the reason you are
> having troubles".
> Now, someone telling me I made an
> idiotic statement doesn't bother
> me particularly (I make them
> regularly!), but being told
> so by an illiterate peasant
> does tend to irritate me; which
> is why Donald Link's public
> humiliation is in order.
> Here's a little critique
> of Donald's reply to the post
> "Pinnacle Studio 10.1" in rec.
> video.production.
> Message-ID: <rhmln11hvlfe3e5e0nbsn
> 19mb82eedko7m@4ax.com>
> Here's a small sample of what he
> wrote:
> >Thru the whole deal I have used
> >Pinnacle Studio from version 7 to
> >9 plus with a few purchased add on
> That's ADD ON'S Donald. Also, THRU is
> very unpleasant, but you're probably
> American* so I'll ignore it.
> >I think we are blessed to be able to
> >produce actual movies footage that they
> >will be able to show their kids and
> >grandkids.
> Hideously sappy, but, it's the
> "movies footage" that worries me.
> That's MOVIE FOOTAGE Don. And who
> does "they" refer to?
> >Being the brave soul that I am I
> >I consider myself very astute
> >when it comes to solving problems
> You're also very modest aren't you.
> >the programs got installed and all
> >the activation of add on programs
> >things looked like it would be a breeze.
> This is abysmal. Apart from being
> completely uncoordinated the THINGS
> doesn't agree with the IT. Your gold
> star is under serious threat.
> >cleaned out my registery
> That's REGISTRY, Don.
> >I think version 10 has a lot
> >of potentials
> That's POTENTIAL, Don.
> >it will work with
> >extremly fast processor
> That's *AN* EXTREMELY, and you
> misspelled "extremely", Don.
> *BTW, you're not an Indian
> or Pakistani are you? You make
> their trademark grammatical
> error, and you do it regularly.
> I've saved the choicest morsel
> till the end. This your Ignoramus
> Peasant stamp of authenticity:
> >Also I rendered it with
> >no titles or nothing
> "No titles or nothing"?
> Why does the image of
> a banjo suddenly come
> to mind?
> Anyway,there goes the
> gold star.
> So Donald, why don't you
> trot off, take some time
> to learn about composition,
> spelling, something called
> grammar, and a thing called
> idiom - then - when you're
> ready, you can come back here,
> and perhaps someone will help
> you with your fascinating video's
> of your lovely grandchildren.
> Oh, and in your first post,
> it's not "Making blanket
> statement", it's STATEMENTS.
> http://www.macmillanenglish.com/default.aspx?id=1
> 09
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