Posted by Art Deco on 10/12/05 23:29
Don Freeman <> wrote:
>"Art Deco" <art_deco@> wrote in message
>> George Hammond <> wrote:
>>>Art Deco art_deco@
>> *ding*
>> I made the lits o' hate!
>Pretty soon he will have the entire readership of USENET on his list and
>he'll just be talking to himself. Of course that is really no different
>than his current status.
Indeed, the path of the kook is a lonely one.
Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."
"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."
-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004
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