Posted by Black Locust on 10/04/51 11:29
In article <1129369066.269390.157140@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>,
"Movie monster" <chromallly@yahoo.com> wrote:
> If the format war settle their difference within a year then I predict
> HD DVD will become mainstream within 3 - 4 years. Keep in mind that
> there are hundreds of thousands of DVD titles available right now. It
> doesn't mean they'll automatically become available in HD DVD format
> overnight. Most of your collection will still be in DVD format because
> you'll either still be waiting for the HD version or the difference is
> minimal (ie. classic movies).
Also, I seriously question if the studios have any worthwhile "extras"
still laying in the vaults to entice consumers to purchase the same
movies again. Take for example the mega-monster set that is the Alien
Quadrilogy. Is there any way that they could produce an HD box set of
the Alien series that actually offers something new? I just don't see it
being possible. The studios already seem to be running out of stuff to
stick on DVDs...
> It also depends on what kind of TV the majority of consumers own. If
> you have a 34" TV or smaller, I seriously doubt Joe Sixpack can tell
> the difference in picture quality between HD DVD and DVD. If you have
> a big screen TV, then you'll definitely notice the inferiority of DVD.
> If the new format require a phone hookup, then all bets are off.
> 8-10 years might be pushing it. I think HD DVD will surpass DVD sales
> within 6 years.
If it wasn't for the format war, I might agree with you. All you have to
do is look back in time at the VHS vs Betamax war and see how much that
war held back VHS in the early years of it's long run.
But right now we're all just pissing in the wind, making predictions
about formats that haven't even been released yet. But I still think my
predictions will be on the money looking at all the evidence available.
And I still think the "niche format" like Laserdisc is still a strong
possibility as well. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens..
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