Posted by Bill Delmore on 10/10/05 13:37
I am hoping this is a simple question. I want to upgrade my car stero to a
system with a DVD player. I want to use the DVD player to play music. In
essense I want to make a large capacity audio CD using DVD technology so
that I do not need to buy a multi CD changer device. I have Record NOW
software 7.3 which came bundled with a SOny system. It will create DVD's
for backup - but insists on CD's rather than DVD's to create audio discs.
Can somebody recommend a product or methodology to do this. The Tech
Support from Record Now has been all over the place from say it can do it,
to I may have a limited version, to offering to sell me an upgrade, to call
Sony and tell them I am missing files. They do not seem to be able to tell
me what I am even running, the names of the files I am supposed to be
missing - even when I register the serial number. Right now I would not
recommend products from either company - Sony Tech support has been just as
spotty - everybody guessing at things.
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