Posted by Darkknight on 12/04/05 03:13
Atropos wrote:
>>VSO DivxToDVD claims to be able to convert Avi and Mpeg files to DVD
>>files and will even burn them for you.
> Which the new version does perfectly.
>>However when I used it to import from a DVD disc it was slow - said it
>>would take 2 hours. The DVD was nothing special - it takes Shrink only
>>10 minutes to import from it.
> Why were you using DivxtoDVD to import FROM a DVD? Odd.
>>Anyone know why DivxToDVD is so slow?
> It isn't - when it does the job it's meant to. I converted 1.6gb avi to DVD
> in an hour, including the burn. I don't call that slow.
try copying your dvd to hard drive first before trying to convert
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