Posted by Derek Janssen on 02/16/06 21:53
Mark wrote:
>>>I'm surprised the studios allowed these rumors to slip out in the
>>>first place because now I won't buy either The Chronicles of Narnia or
>>>King Kong when they are released in March and April. I'll have to wait
>>>another 6 months to a year to get the extended editions they should've
>>>released in the first place. It seems like the studios' strategies
>>>lately are trying to turn people into renters instead of buyers. It's
>>>very rare that you can buy the first DD release of any movie these
>>>days without a high probability of a double dip. Just my opinions.
>>Since these arguments date back to our fond old-school memories of
>>"Huh?--Two versions of LOTR?...Why don't they put them both out right
>>away??" and "Hey, why won't George Lucas put out Episode 1?", it's
>>rather convenient to note that they were *both* answered by the single
>>response, "Because they haven't FINISHED making the new scenes yet."
> Well, that would explain the delay in the release of the extended
> editions for these movies, but if the studios know they are going to
> be doing extended editions they should publicly announce these plans
> before the first releases come out so people who don't want to have to
> double-dip can wait.
Uh, 'scuse me, but...THEY DID!!!
I'm looking at the calendar, and it's two months till April!
(And that's "if" they know...Disney's still deciding.)
Derek Janssen (yeah, like they were "deciding' on a sequel)
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