Posted by Geoff on 03/13/06 12:48
I hope this is the right N/G to post. If not, I'm sure someone will tell
I want to author & burn an AVI file (1hr - 4Gb) to a DVD for use on ordinary
domestic video players to a TV. I have been using Nero to do the job but it
tends to crash the PC quite often. I am now using a freebe (Video DVD
Maker) which seems to work quite well, but I am faced with a whole
collection of codecs to choose from.
Can someone please advise me which is the best to use to get good quality
Which of these settings should I use?
Frame setting: full / half
Vertical field: both / one
Cropping: no / TV
Field order: Upper first / Lower first
Loopthrough: Video / Videotext
I am in the UK so it is the PAL system.
Any advice would be much appreciated, I just want to get good quality DVDs.
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