Posted by Kantica22 @ Kletca.com on 03/20/06 06:46
> you're not very bright are you.
Oooh....this one wants to "play". Before you do that, however, ask around
your "buddies" to see if they have ever heard of me. Be sure and do a Google
search on these three words: "Jonathan Chickenshit Herroine" and be sure and
check to see if "they" are still alive or not; and, if not, exactly "why"
they are dead.
Like all "potential" players (fair's fair), you too get one LAST WARNING. I
highly suggest you get the fu** off my back and outta my "radar".
Of course; you don't HAVE to listen. It's not my choice of your own free
will. Just, at least, do a little "research" all across Google to see if, at
that time, you still "feel" that you can take me, like so "many" have come
before you, tried, AND FAILED.
Let's see if Mommy's Little 2-year-old can answer THIS question: Who died
and made you the Almighty?
IF you can answer me that with an "honest/sane" answer, maybe, just maybe,
you can take the Big Dog.
If you can't, take my advice and BACK DOWN NOW.
Good Luck.
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