Posted by Albert Worschey on 03/20/06 17:19
Kantica22@Kletca.com wrote:
> Yeah, it's "real tiring" having your "smart ass" kicked like that, and guess
> what? You did it to yourself (or should I say "yourselves"?) when you,
> "both" of the critters currently in your empty head, THOUGHT you (either of
> you) could take ME in a Pissing Bullshit Match.
> Well, it's almost 9:00 AM (by my clock anyway) and thus far no "trace" of a
> knock, much less any "footprints" even (as of yet) POINTED in my general
> direction.
> Your (well, the "other your") Bullshit "Fear" Card that you tried to play
> against me is very rapidly running out of time. Well, not that I believed it
> anyway, but; as sooooooo many others seem to think, "it was worth a shot".
> Time is ticking.
> Better get on your (both of your) knees and PRAY REAL HARD for "immediate
> divine intervention", because; after all, you rule even the Lord Himself,
> don't you?
> Well, all "three" of you have ~29 minutes to "spirit" me away. Or else I'm,
> and the WHOLE rest of the world with me, is just gonna laugh and laugh and
> laugh. Here's the thing though: We're all laughing AT you (both of you), not
> I suppose now you're just gonna "cry" and say the rather predictable B.S.
> "Sour Grapes line": "Well, as long as they're laughing I'm happy/satisfied."
> Good Luck. 26 Minutes Remaining.
it's "been" a "while" since "your" last post.
"did" they "get" "you" "???"
Albert Worschey
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