Posted by Kantica22@Kletca.com on 03/21/06 04:04
> I like it, but he will need to improve his rant to pull the votes.
Good Lord Almighty (no, not "you").
You quite literally get handed your Ass on a Golden Platter, already
Pre-fu**ed, and yet, you "learn" NOTHING from the experience and continue as
if "nothing at all" has happened.
I guess I was right about "you" in my first assumption, and THAT just
"confirmed" my suspicions. His "physical body" might be dead (due to just
the right combination of my actions, my rapid inaction, and his own mind)
but Good Lord in Heaven: "You" ARE Channeling quite well Jonathan
Chickenshit Herroine (aka Jonathan Herron, Jonathon Herron, "probably"
Charlie Herron, and possibly a whole list of "others" that not even I know
about as of yet).
Okay, now that WE all know THAT little piece of information, whatever is
"left" of the "host" body needs to tell HIM to get the He** out of "their"
body and go back to Hell itself (where HE duly belongs) before what I helped
made happen to his "original body" happens to 'them" as well.
These things tend to happen in steps: "You've" JUST proven beyond any
reasonable doubt that you have the "spirit" and now, just like that, the
"mind" as well. Good Luck with what tends to come "next", that is, IF there
is any of "you" still in there.
Jonathan, you need to shut up and leave "their" body alone. Believe me; I've
killed you before I can kill you again, and I highly doubt YOUR "current"
host body will really be very much appreciative when THEY wind up, through
your fault and mine, before St. Peter themselves and all you are (at that
point) is sent directly back to Hell to "try, try again".
Look, there is hardly a "kid" alive or dead who didn't, in some part, grow
up on "Looney Tunes". We ALL quite likely remember the cartoon where
Yosemite Sam, through Bugs Bunny's "fault", was sent to a very cartoonish
(even for then) "Hell", only to come back to try, try again to do a "Mirror
Effect" to various different yet exactly-the-same "Bugs Bunny".
Too bad for you I have THAT entire plot memorized and I'm telling you now I
see YOU coming like a Mother-trucker and it simply WON'T WORK.
Go away now and, besides the harm already dealt to you, Jonathan Chickenshit
Herroine, no further harm will come to "innocent civilians".
You want to fight you "gut it up" for once in your life + death and try and
take me LIKE A MAN. Feel free to "come get me" anytime you wish in whatver
"form" you wish to TRY: Poltergeist, Demon, Vampire, Zombie, Mummy, "other"
Undead, Infected Toe/FingerNail, or whatever you "feel" like trying, but for
God's Sake, man, leave the "innocent civilians" ALONE.
I'm telling this here and now, that, since a>I know You're "here", b>I know
how to deal with "you", a + b = c>my, my, my, you're only going to make
you're "Eternal Punishment" that much WORSE when your "plan" fails time
after time after time after time, but I mean, even "Yosemite Sam" got the
hint and settled down to his "Fate" eventually:
May the Force Be With You, Jonathan.
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