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Re: Recording two streams

Posted by hitmewithit on 03/31/06 11:24

Hmm. I don't know of any program that comes to mind and, I do know a
lot of programs and stream catching stuff.
I need to know more from you in order to help you more right..
Are you planning on 'recording' the streams by way of a program you use
that records whatever is going through your soundcard? If you're not
sure what I mean, let me know.
To put it simply if I can, there are a few ways that programs record or
capture streams that are coming to your PC from the net. the simplest
way is the sound card recorder which is what most Internet Radip
recorder programs are. they hook in to the soundcard and, whatever goes
through the soundcard...and to your speakers usually, will also be
picked up by the program and recorded to a file.
This way, you can only record ONE stream at a time for the simple
reason that you cannot listewn to two at a time. simple right.
There are many many ways of DOWNLOADING a stream in order to save it to
a file and then listen to it LATER.
If you learn more about this method then you will be able to get both
of the streams saved even if they are coming to you at the exact same
There are many programs for saving or downloading streams. Do some
google searches for the following to get you started:

I haven't found an 'undownloadable' stream yet!
So if you need any more help, reply.




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