Posted by CooperFan on 03/31/06 15:35
Hi, I'm new here and I've got a question. (small one)
If an mp3 has for exemple a constant bitrate of 128kbps and 44,1 Khz
(12,8 KB/s if I'm right)
and I save 1 second of audio, the filesize should be around 12KB right?
With this redenation, 10 seconds of audio should be 128KB large.
This is what I did:
I used two songs:
- Deep Purple - Fireball
- Deep Purple - Black Night
And used the following wave editors:
- Nero WaveEditor
- Audacity
With both editors, I saved the first 10 and the first second of both
All the 10s length samples should be of the same size, and so should be
the 1s samples.
That's true.
But, after removing the tags, the 1s samples are 16,3 KB, and the 10s
are 157 KB.
If 1 Second should be 12,8 and 10 should be 128, then there's a
difference of 3,5 and 29 KB which is variable.
Can someone explain this to me?
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