Posted by JAS on 04/03/06 05:45
"Mosley Jones III" <administrator@info.gov.mars> wrote in message
> "Zappy" <zapkvr@ncable.net.au> wrote in message
> news:442f7c9c$1@news.comindico.com.au...
>> "BrentC"
>> <brentc@...............................gmx.net........and.remove.excess.dots>
>> wrote in message news:0rlu22p0ilgh675n9krccsm414moasf6dt@4ax.com...
>>> On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 15:09:33 +1200, "JAS" <jasmine1@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Key said he saw beheaded bodies of fours Iraqis beside a shot-up vehicle
>>>>Ramadi. He also described seeing members of the Florida National Guard
>>>>kicking a severed head "like a soccer ball."
>>> So where is your sympathy to these poor guys - obviously slightly
>>> unhinged at war in a hostile land and subjected to mental torture from
>>> peacenik dick heads at home and abroad.
>> Sympathy?
>> Suck my arse!
>> They ought to try the cunts as war criminals.
> on what evidence?
> you never seem to have any, tis obvious that you just don't like Americans
btw I'm amercian (and kiwi) : >o you have evidence of this?
"...a 10-year-old Iraqi girl, who lost seven members of her family in an
attack by American marines in the horrific November incident, has
exclusively given ITV News a shocking first hand account of the horrific
Haditha massacre which residents say amounts to mass murder by U.S.
This last incident is under investigation after first being denied by the
USA military. The evidence was too overwhelming that these people were in
fact innocent and war slaughtered by angry Marines. whether they were
"mentally tortured and unhinged" is up for you to judge. Though knowing the
neo fascist quality of your posts, I'd say that using the Nazi line of
killing civilians for their countrymen's crimes is adequate and perfectly
normal as a deterrent and not unhinged.
The report on this incident above the other night is one of the most
disturbing reports our family has seen.
>> If they make an example of a few of them it might discourage others in
>> the future.
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