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Re: A thought on those "anti-piracy" adds...

Posted by Gary on 11/06/05 01:36

"Bob" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 5 Nov 2005 13:45:06 -0500, "SBFan2000"
> <> wrote:
>>One, if in fact you don't copyright infringe then I apoligize for implying
>>you did. Based on your posts, what conclusion was I suppose to come to?
> You are supposed to know I am a Jesuitical Heathen.
>>If fact, I don't really care who does or doesn't infringe on copyrights as
>>long as its not mine :-), its not my business. What is annoying is when
>>people that do infringe make up these magicical reasons why its not
> That's because it is not stealing. It is infringement. When someone
> copies a copyrighted piece, the owner of the copyright has lost
> nothing - nothing has been taken. You might argue that he has lost the
> opportunity to make money from the sale of his item, but that assumes
> that the pirate would buy it if he was unable to pirate it.
> People who are capable of buying something usually do not pirate it.
> Pirates are those who are not capable of buying the item, so it is
> extremely unlikely that they won't buy it if it is otherwise
> unavailable.
> Now here's the real irony of this whole stupid thing. A large software
> company named Borland produced a copyrighted Pascal Compiler called
> Turbo Pascal. But they did not enforce the copyright, and actually
> made it available to college student free of charge. Others were
> required to pay for it.
> Borland was able to sell *more* copies of Turbo Pascal by that genius
> marketing strategy for the same reason IBM was able to sell more
> computers by giving the major universities new computers free.
> It was noted that during the heyday of Napster sales of music actually
> increased, and when Napster was shut down, sales fell off noticably.
> Here's the reason why all of the above is possible. By having more
> copies of something in the market more people buy it than would
> otherwise. If you never heard an album and I pirate it and play it for
> you, and you want the official album for yourself - and you can afford
> to buy it - then you likely will buy it. I have acted as a free
> advertisement by playing the pirated copy and enticed my friend to buy
> it.
> The idiot lawyers, in their consumate greed, actually screwed up sales
> by tampering with the natural behavior of markets.

Bob is a troll and has contradicted himself several times so far. not worth
the bother of reading any more



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