Posted by Gary A. Edelstein on 04/11/06 17:06
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:16:46 -0700, Keith <cmarvelNOSPAM@nethere.com>
> It looks as if I am going to buy that Liteon lvc 9016g DVD recorder
>after all. Any hints how I should set it up? I won't have a cable box
>just cables from the wall to DVDR to the TV.
Right, assuming you don't have a VCR or A/V receiver, cable from the
wall to the recorder's antenna input and the recorder's RF out to the
TV. In addition, hook up the best A/V out to the TV from the recorder
that your TV will take, if it has an A/V in. For example, that could
be an S-Vid and the L/R analog audio outs.
Gary E
|Gary A. Edelstein
|edelsgNO@SPAMyahoo.com.invalid (remove NO SPAM and .invalid to reply)
|"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Walt Kelly's Pogo
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