Posted by Mark Burns on 04/17/06 01:46
I havn't noticed the fan. Very quiet. Of course it is under a 52"
RPTV, which also has a fan. I simply don't notice it .
As far as the video goes, it is progressive scan. Very good DVD
playback, and broadcast playback is as good as the broadcast. The only
thing that I believe may be better for DVD playback is the Oppo
upconverter. But that is not a recorder.
For archiving, I copy to DVD-RAM and then sneaker-net it back to my PC
for VideoRedo and TDA. I see no video noice at all.
There are things that I quibble with it. The commercial skip button is
60 seconds. I would prefer 30 seconds. Some of the menu items were
confusing at first, but the unit has so many features that it is going
to be somewhat intimidating initially.
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