Posted by ~P~ on 04/23/06 17:30
FYI - Blockbuster & Netflix apparently already have HD-DVD titles available
for online rental.
All the reviews I have come across have been very strongly criticizing the
Toshiba players for their speed and certain incompatibilities and especially
on a very poor remote on the $500 model... but...
and this is a big BUT...
They have been praising the players pretty much universally from respected
sources for the quality of the image. The bigger the screen, the more it is
appreciated. Most specifically is this review from Projector Central:
Evan sets things up and watches BIG - he also used the best connection type
possible and knows how to properly set up and calibrate a projector, so I
would feel pretty strongly that what he is saying about the image quality is
worth something.
In the end? None of it matters - you can't get them at your local store
right now because they have sold out. As is likely with the first release
Blu-ray players, the first HD-DVD players just can't be kept in stock. It
doesn't matter if they were $700 - or $1,200 or $300 - they just are a hot
ticket item right now and the stores won't be able to keep any of the
technologies in stock for a little while. This is one of the reasons why I
think pricing doesn't really matter that much right now. They are ALL
selling out - so HD-DVD doesn't get a leg up for being cheaper. Not until
you walk into a store and see 6 different models sitting on a store shelf
and the one with the lowest price tag says "HD-DVD". But, that's a ways off
I would imagine.
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