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Re: Adjusting overscan implications

Posted by Italo on 04/25/06 00:51

"MS" <> wrote in message

> Someone in this thread said that overscan has to be adjusted for each of
> my Sony TV's aspect ratio modes.

No, not the overscan, but the geometry settings, you'll find that these will
need adjustment after you fiddle with the overscan. When you go in the
service menu you'll have separate geometry settings for 4:3 and 16:9, I've
had 3 widescreen CRT TVs from different manufacturers and they've all been
like that.

> I am sure I am not confused about a 'carious aspect display options' on my
> TV.
> Can you explain to me why 'Overscan is the same whether watching 16:9 or
> 4:3, you don't miss any more or less' please.
> Thanks.

A CRT TV's tube (even a flat screen) is unlike an LCD/Plasma set, the edges
of the CRT tube are rounded hence the need for overscan to avoid the
inevitable distortions of the image.

Unless your TV is badly overscanned (and if it was I wouldn't bother fixing
it, I'd just take it back) it's really not an issue to bother with too much.
In fact just get an LCD/plasma set and be done with it :-)




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