Posted by MovieStuff on 04/27/06 14:22
Derek Gee wrote:
> I have reservations about Moviestuff's "speed change transform" software
> based on my experiences with other professional video software. There is a
> definate limit as to how much transforming you can do before weird things
> begin to happen.
The CineCap software for MovieStuff products employs the exact same
pulldown patterns used by high end Rank transfer units. There is zero
difference. But if you fail to enable the interpolated pulldown
pattern then it will look jerky on television. Likewise, if you use the
interpolated pulldown pattern for viewing on a computer, it will look
odd. It's all about correctly setting up the preferences in the CineCap
software for the intended display venue. But the pulldown pattern is
based on the same broadcast standards used in Ranks, Spirits, Phillips
and others. There is no difference. So if you don't like the pulldown
patterns used by CineCap for creating speed changes, then you also will
not like the motion characteristics of a high end Rank transfer, since
they both use the exact same patterns.
> Unless you have a ton of film, it's simply cheaper to a let a professional
> transfer place do the work.
I would tend to agree.
> If you want the finest quality transfer for
> your film, it's simply not possible to use the do-it-yourself stuff that
> Moviestuff and Tobin Cinema Systems are selling. The Rank and Grass Valley
> systems beat them hands down.
There is no doubt that a $250,000 Rank is going to offer more potential
than a $1395.00 WorkPrinter or a $6000 DV8 Sniper but, for reversal
home movie film, the minor differences are hardly worth the $249,000
difference in price, especially if you use a good 3CCD camera and have
it set up properly. There is a reason that we have sold more than 2000
units worldwide and that the Academy of Motion Picture Film Archives in
Hollywood made our units the archiving tool of choice and it wasn't
because our units produced a substandard image when set up correctly.
Our units have also been used to produce broadcast grade footage for
the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, Fox as well as tons of
music videos. More specifically, regarding the qualitative difference
between our units and a Rank, please see the comparison done in PC
magazine where footage was sent to us and to a lab with a Rank Turbo:
I think the images speak for themselves and demonstrate more
similarities to high end transfers than appreciable differences,
especially when you consider the tremendous difference in cost. I agree
with you that, if you can afford a Rank transfer, then that is the way
to go. That's what I would do, too. But if you can't, then the
WorkPrinter and Sniper units are a more than acceptable close second.
Roger Evans
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