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Re: DVD burn speeds

Posted by Bob on 05/03/06 17:33

On Tue, 02 May 2006 17:31:13 -0700, Voinin <> wrote:

>why does burning slower work when burning faster fails?

Be careful - although slower burning might give you fewer coasters, it
does not guarantee longevity. I found that out the hard way.

There is only one way to burn discs - burn Tayio Yuden discs. If you
burn anything else you run the considerable risk that you will either
end up with a coaster or worse end up with a disc that will not play
in 6 months.

The second consideration is the burner itself. Do your homework -
consult CDFreaks for the latest advise. I did that and bought an NEC
3540 and have had great success with it. There were some other burners
at the time but they did not have the high rating that the 3540 had.

Stay away from anything from Sony. Those pricks won't even support
their own brands. Choose only well-established brand names that have a
solid backing.

It used to be that if you bought Plextor you got the top of the line.
But if you do your homework you learn that is no longer true. Plextor
caved into marketing pressures and bought crap from OEM suppliers and
now users are bitching about the poor quality.

I am not a shill for either NEC or Taiyo Yuden. But I can strongly

NEC 3550A, $37 beige

TY 8x -Rs, $32 per 100


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It keeps him upright."
-Robert Heinlein



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