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Re: AVID vs Final Cut Pro

Posted by Mr. Tapeguy on 05/18/06 14:05

Pat Horridge wrote:

> >
> I think there's some confusion here. If I were buying an FCP system to edit
> a series on a tight deadline I'd be looking at a reasonable spec machine and
> for that I'd expect to spend some serious money.

> To compare that to a $399 PC is nonsense. If I was specing a PC to use as a
> nonlinear edit suite I'd be looking at an HP or similar probably an xw8200
> or some such. It would work out of the box to do exactly what I need it to
> do after the avid software is installed. A 15 min job. If the system is
> standalone (ie not internet connected) then there is nothing else to be
> done. It will just work for years on end with little maintenance. Not a
> cheap machine to buy but similar to a similar spec'd Mac (maybe even less
> than)

> If it's to be on the internet then assuming the dealer hadn't bundled AV
> software I'd buy that, $30, and install that. I may also install windows bit
> defender just to be safe. Then regularly run the windows update and your
> good to go.

> True if you buy budget, custom build, cheap machines you may end up doing
> leg work to get everything running smooth. you may even get a combination
> that never really works well. But only a lunatic would do that for a serious
> project and they would deserve all the issues they got.

> The computer and software are like any other tool you buy to do a job. Only
> as good as the money you spend on them.

> With Macs you can only really buy quality products (although there have been
> some dogs produced) where as PC's are supplied to a much broader market. But
> for NLE you'd stick near the top and you'd be trouble free.

Dead on Pat. There is some disagreement here, obviously, on the
quality of Mac products - but everything I read, IT people I know and
personal experience converge on the point that overall, the percentage
of Mac issues is lower. Otherwise as I've said many times, we would
simply do what so many systems-integrators do which is push PC's
because you make more money doing that.


Bogen - Chimera - Frezzi - Gitzo - IDX - Lowell - Manfrotto - Photoflex



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