Posted by NRen2k5 on 09/26/93 11:48
fred-bloggs wrote:
> peter@cara.demon.co.uk (Peter Ceresole) wrote in
> news:1hfsku4.wtio8n1b9qrt5N%peter@cara.demon.co.uk:
>> fred-bloggs <fred-bloggs@hahahotmail.com> wrote:
>>> The Ipod doesn't do Microsoft DRM, Microsoft players don't do Itunes
>>> DRM. Both as bad as each other.
>> And given that the majority of legal music downloads use iTunes music
>> store, which is the more useful?
> Exactly the right question.
> Answer: it depends on the player you own rather which site has the music
> you want at the price you can afford.
>> Futher remembering that the Apple system runs on both Windows and
>> Macs, there's no contest.
> WMP is available for Macs.
> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/mac/mp9/default.aspx
>> M$ locks you in. Apple liberates.
> 1) Apple's ITMS only supports Ipods. MSN music shop supports most other
> manufacturers' players.
> 2) Apple Ipod cannot play wma, most other mp3 players can.
> Not very liberating IMHO.
Exactly. But good luck getting them to believe that. They just don't
want to hear it.
- NRen2k5
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