Posted by NRen2k5 on 10/08/31 11:48
Michelle Steiner wrote:
> In article <yKKcg.5952$DC3.54567@wagner.videotron.net>,
> NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> wrote:
>>>> Fact of the matter is that iPod does not support WMA-DRM, which is
>>>> what /most/ online music stores use.
>>> But not the most successful one with >70% market share, nor the one
>>> with the largest global penetration and music selection.
>> Because Apple refuses to support WMA-DRM on the iPod.
> You mean that if Apple chose to support WMA-DRM on the iPod, its market
> share would decrease?
You mean that they wouldn't have a monopoly anymore?
>> I can see this turning into a circular argument again. Always the
>> same thing with you Apple toadies.
> And you're not part of the circle? Fucking hypocrite--but that's
> redundant, seeing how you're a rabid Apple basher.
And rightfully so. You're a bunch of hypocritical, snobby, autistic
And go look up "redundant" in the dictionary.
- NRen2k5
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