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Re: idon't do iPod

Posted by Giles on 10/13/81 11:48

In article <ky3dg.93261$>,
NRen2k5 <> wrote:

> Michelle Steiner wrote:
> > Actually, no. You can buy music from any source that sells nonprotected
> > music, and import it into iTunes, then load it onto an iPod.
> AllofMP3 is illegal. No other online music store that sells unprotected
> music sells anything of any interest.

So let me see...

You are really upset that there are quite a few online music stores
providing DRM'd WMA for a large range of players that will play WMA DRM
files. But the iPod doesn't work with them.

No, wait, that can't be right, because you seem to be really angry that
the iPod won't play DRM'd WMA. (As an aside, as a self professed Linux
user, I'm surprised you're so fixated on WMA DRM. Does it play on Linux?)

So why are you so upset that the iPod won't play WMA DRM? It is one
scheme of DRM or another, one proprietary lock-in or another so why not
choose the less restrictive DRM?

'Choice' in music stores matters little when they all provide the chart
music you demanded, unless you want to show any that have downloads (not
subscriptions) cheaper than iTunes.

No, I have to conclude that your anger is directed at the iPod because
you want it to play WMA DRM, because I cannot see any other reason.

Why? Other players will play WMA, if that is what you want. Of course,
the evidence is that it isn't what most people want, but that isn't your
problem, is it? Apparently, you really, really want an iPod, but are
pissed off it won't play your Napster collection (and given that you
probably amount to 10% of their market, that would be a tragedy for

Or do you really hate being the Mac user of the mp3 player world -
insisting that your way is best in the face of a small and shrinking
market share. In which case, you should swallow hard and welcome Mac
users as your kindred spirits. Except, of course, our 'alternative
choice' is actually better, whereas yours isn't.

Of course, your final comment about stores with unprotected music
suggests you are an unimaginative philistine, but that is just an aside.

[and yes, I do realise this is crossposted to comp.sys.mac, but it
wasn't our troll who started it].



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