Posted by NoNoBadDog! on 06/01/06 13:29
"John" <Johnnospam@spamex.com> wrote in message
> NoNoBadDog! wrote:
>> "Allen" <allen@nothere.net> wrote in message
>> news:zjmfg.1534$bk5.1266@tornado.texas.rr.com...
>>> NoNoBadDog! wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Like most dogs, you seem to have only one use for newspapers, and
>>> that use isn't reading.
>> I read newspapers. The difference is that I have sufficient
>> intelligence to understand that Coalition troops are not
>> "slaughtering" women and children. I have the intelligence to know
>> that in a war, people die. Some of those happen to be innocent
>> people. No member of the coalition force gets up in the morning and
>> says "today, lets go find some women and children and kill them!".
>> In addition, you do realize that the insurgency is using women and
>> children as human bombs?
>> You do realize that the tactics used by the insurgents (IEDs, car
>> bombs, etc) kill many dozens of times more women and children than do
>> the coalition forces?
>> Again, you have no perspective to comment. Until you have been
>> there, until you have seen the conditions under which we must conduct
>> our operations, you haven't the right to pass judgment.
>> You are just another idiot that thinks you know something.
>> You know nothing at all.
>> Get a life, loser.
>> Bobby
> You are the IDIOT. The soldiers should be executed for killing babies but
> you think that these murders are fine and to be expected. You also condone
> it and think if it happens again then so be it. You are a fool and a
> traitor to freedom and justice and America. Guys like you should feel the
> pain of the innocent civilians that had their children butchered. You are
> a very sick individual.
One more thing, asshole....
You are a clueless cock-sucking leftist whore.
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