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Re: Loop MP3 in web page without a gap between loops?

Posted by Keep YerSpam on 10/11/54 11:49

Chris Tomlinson wrote:

> How easy is it, if I purchase Flash?

Extremely easy. It's very similar to what you see in Goldwave as far as
editing your sound files. You have your waveform on a timeline with
start, end & volume controls. If you've ever used any sound editors,
it's about as simple as they come and very intuitive.

If you haven't already used (and timed out) the 30 day demo version of
Flash, you should download it and use it to make your sound buttons.
There are several ways to control sounds from using your timeline in a
button or other symbol to using ActionScript to control your sound.

It sounds like your needs are pretty simple so I'd say just make a movie
symbol with 2 frames and 3 layers.
Quick & dirty with minimal ActionScript:

Select all frames on all layers and make them all keyframes.
Label layer 1 'script'
Label layer 2 'sound'
Label layer 3 'control'

In frame 1, layer 1 put a 'stop' A.S. command (not stop sound).
In frame 2, layer 1 put a 'stop' A.S. command (not stop sound).

In frame 1, layer 2 put your sound file.
In frame 2, layer 2 put nothing.

On your layer 3 in each frame you just put a simple button that tells
the movie to go to the other frame. Your movie starts in frame one and
doesn't progress to 2 because of the stop AS command. Your sound is
playing in that frame. When your viewer gets tired of the sound, they
click your button and the movie goes to frame 2 (which is the end of
your movie) which has no sound. The button is also there but in that
frame, it's AS command points to the previous frame (which also has a
stop). Back & forth, pretty simple. You can use different images in each
frame on your 'control' layer as buttons there like one for 'play' & one
for 'stop', but you could also use the same one, maybe one that simply
says 'sound'. This could be an image or even just text.
Pretty self-explanatory to your viewer since they're already either
listening to the music, or not. ;)

You can also use AS to do all this and doing so is a more powerful way
to control things, but if you're not very familiar with AS this is the
easiest way to use a minimal amount of it (simple stop & goto commands).

> I'm interested where you get your little button from. I need something even
> simpler than that -- are any provider 'out of the box' with Flash? I just
> want a small button like you see on lots of sites that shows a speaker, and
> when you click it, the sound stops and a (/) 'no entry' or 'off' kind of
> symbol appears over the speaker icon. Really basic - nice 'n' neat.
> If you or anyone are able to help me get to there, with my MP3 converted
> into Flash and the loop points set, I would really really appreciate it :)

Go to There are a ton of free buttons & sound FLAs there
you can use for free. Many of them want credit on your website for using
them. Using my "Quick & Dirty' method, you're the 'author' and owe
nothing to anyone. Maybe just a beer to me. ;)

- JJ



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