Posted by Derek Janssen on 10/10/20 11:51
Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> On 17 Jun 2006 20:04:00 -0700, asj wrote:
>>HD-DVD sales sluggish
> When are these guys going to figure out that people aren't going to just
> jump on the latest gadget unless there is a compelling reason to do so?
“With every new technology, it will take awhile to pick up,” Bjorn’s
assistant buyer Xavier Dominguez said. “It’s like when DVD first came out.”
Er...No, it isn't:
You could play the first DVD's on your computer. You could play DVD's
on your Playstation. You could buy a DVD movie at a computer store,
hook them up to whatever low-tech item would decipher them that you were
already using anyway, and whatever you used, you could play them on your
old TV set. And even *then*, they made you never want to look at your
VHS tapes again--You wished for a world where "rewinding" had become
obsolete, and saw the doorway open.
We didn't buy DVD's because they were "sort of better". If that were
the reasoning, we'd be watching S-VHS to this day.
(Basically, the only reason the current industry thinks that any hi-def
format or any other new post-DVD movie delivery will "catch on" is the
main reason that they're convinced any *other* new technology will
"catch on" just for showing up: Blind panic, and terror of the unknown.
Corporate execs and industry analysts, deep down, don't really know WHY
DVD suddenly caught fire the way it did in '99--And as long as they
cann't come up with a nice, marketable reason they can take credit for,
and the phenomena remains a mystery to them, why then, gosh...it could
happen again! At any moment! 0_0
Causing them to suddenly hunker down in survivalist defense-battle mode
the second any new format shows up, and prepare for it to Change the
World again the moment it looks at them cross-eyed.)
> Of course the manufacturers won't get it. They'll just think nobody wants
> high definition movies.
Well...they'll be partly right.
Derek Janssen
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