Posted by Erik Funkenbusch on 06/24/06 02:19
On 23 Jun 2006 13:57:46 -0700, asj wrote:
> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> We'll see. History has shown that content alone will not drive a
>> technology people don't want.
> Uh,
> 1. sales of blu-ray discs are larger than hd-dvd sales
No, sales of 2 Blu-Ray titles are higher than any *current* hd-dvd title,
but the top 10 HD-DVD titles outsell all the other blu-ray titles.
> 2. r u telling me you'd buy a player -HDDVD - that will not play Disney
> movies, or Sony movies, or....
If I were to buy one, yes. I don't want any sony or disney movies.
Regardless, Sony isn't going to bet their company on Blu-ray, and if HD-DVD
sales end up being higher, Sony will release titles for it.
> Content may not be everything, but it's a heck of a BIG thing. You are
> a fool for saying otherwise.
You didn't read what I wrote.
> Ur wrong on linux, wrong on CE. R u ever right, funkenbush?
>> And frankly, Sony has seldom succeeded in
>> driving consumer technology (Minidisc? Memory Stick? Betamax?).
> too bad for your hypothesis everyone else is on the blu-ray bandwagon
> (samsung, panasonic ,phillips. etc)
We'll see.
> btw, memory sticks are used by sony rpoducts still, saw my friends
> camera using it. and please forget about the walkman, why don't we? or
> the fact some savvy CE companies like Apple are on the blu-ray side.
Wake me when Apple starts shipping Blu-ray enabled machines.
> LOL. again you forget a lot of very big companies are on blu-ray's
> side.... toshiba is losing money on every player it sells and toshiba
> is several times SMALLER than samsung, sony, and panasonic...i think
> toshiba will not last 1-2 years before turning blu ;-)
I doubt that. I've not read anything like that, anywhere. And, you're
forgetting that NEC and Sanyo are also behind HD-DVD, not to mention Intel.
> it'll make blu-ray players or be left behind...
Depends on whether or not Sony rapes it's partners, as usual.
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