Posted by teem on 10/07/88 11:51
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:33:08 GMT, jayembee
<jayembeenospam@snurcher.com> wrote:
>teem <stooges2757@alltell.net> wrote:
>> What is the current situation on these shows?some sources say they're
>> out,others say they're not.I don't want a cheesey amatuer burn off
>> from some company that isnt legit.
>There's no legit DVD release of either series.
>BATMAN is in Legal Hell (Fox owns the rights to the show, while Warner
>owns the rights to the characters, and they aren't seeing eye to eye).
>Only the 1966 feature film is available on DVD.
>It's not clear what the hold-up is on THE GREEN HORNET. It could be
>another situation where Fox cannot do a DVD set without permission
>from the owners of the characters (the Estate of creator George
>Brentwood, a Public Domain label, released a DVD of the first faux
>feature -- a fix-up of four episodes of the series edited together
>with additional fight scenes from other episodes slipped in. Two of
>these features were briefly released to theaters circa 1974 to cash
>in on the Kung Fu / Bruce Lee craze at the time. Brentwood said they
>were going to do the second one, but it was never released.
>Just as well...the transfer on the first one was atrocious. It was
>faded and muddy-yellow. And widescreen, which is the way the features
>were released, but they were unsurprisingly cropped top and bottom
>from the original fullscreen TV version.
>Both features were released (in fullscreen) on DVD in Japan, but
>went Out of Print quickly. If they were anything like the Japanese
>laserdiscs (which I have), they would've looked terrific.
>-- jayembee
Thanks,this BatHell thing is the Cats'Ass!,2 studios own it?,come
on!,no wonder they're doing lousy.i did see 1 sight that was elling
the Hornet,but,it looked''shady'',like an ''overnight set up''
websight,I was trusting my instints.another reason the hornet maybe
held up is the amount of episodes ,it was only a season,so,it isn't
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